Week of Prayer for the Sanctity of Life

God is eternal. There has never been a time when God did not exist, and there will  never be a time when God will cease to exist. One day, long ago, Eternal God spoke creation into existence. "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." God created life. This makes life sacred. Not only did God create life, He also sent His One and Only Son to die for the sins of all people, so that by believing in Him, every life can receive forgiveness, redemption, and the gift of eternal life. God created life. God sent His Son to die for life. We owe our lives and all of life to God. Life is sacred. So, we set aside this week to pray for the sanctity of life and to meditate on the scriptures provided for each day's prayer. We invite you to pray the prayers provided and pray as the Spirit of God leads you.

Thank you to Jill Davison for composing these daily prayers!
Monday, February 3, 2025
Prayer 1 - Esther 4:14
Lord, we pray that as a nation, church, and as individuals, we will recognize that You have created all life in Your perfect timing. We are all alive at this moment for a time such as this. Today, we are called to advocate and lead the charge for life! We pray that we will value the lives of all people. Every heart that is beating now has been given life through You. Every unborn child has been formed to live in this time. We pray that their lives will be honored and preserved by all. We pray that others in our community, nation, and world will value the sanctity of life. On the streets, in schools, in churches, in homes, in our government, throughout different cultures, beliefs, and nations, we pray that one constant will remain: the value of human life. Preserve the babies who are being sheltered in their mother’s womb. Protect the young people who are just beginning to make their mark in the world, and strengthen the elderly who are frail and dependent on others. Help us as believers to promote life and to lead the charge for the preservation of all human life. We know that You have made us for such a time as this!
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Prayer 2 - Psalm 139:13-16
Father, you know the people who are struggling to make a decision they are unprepared to make. For those who are considering abortion, we pray they will be overcome by Your presence and love. We pray they will delight in the life you have created for them to take care of. We pray they will know that You formed and knitted this human being in the womb. You know every cell, every trait, every hair strand, every detail in their formation to become a unique individual crafted by You. We praise You for the creation of life. We praise You for every heart you have allowed to beat. We pray these parents will recognize the beauty in this wonderfully made person and will revel in this new life. This life is precious to You. May the parents feel honored to be called for this great and rewarding responsibility. We pray they will choose to carry this baby to full term so that one day soon, the baby will cry and exhale the very breath of life You breathed into him/ her at the moment of conception.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Prayer 3 - Genesis 2:7-9 and Genesis 1:31
Lord, we pray for those You have given the gift of medical expertise. We pray that they will see the glory of your human creation, and have a strong desire to honor and protect the unborn. We pray as You guide and direct them, they will use their knowledge and hands to preserve life. Let them be voices and leaders, not only in the medical field but in the world to proclaim fervently that life begins at conception. We pray that the staff who work at abortion clinics will view a baby as one of Your creations who has breath, heartbeat, and LIFE. We pray they will realize the destruction of life is abhorrent and evil in Your eyes, and see this miraculous baby as a creation made in Your image from Your breath that You called “very good”. We pray they will realize that this marvelous wonder is an actual human who deserves a future life on this planet.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Prayer 4 - Psalm 103:12 and 2 Samuel 12:23
Lord, we pray for the women and men who decide to choose life for their unborn babies. For those who will keep their baby, we pray they will be filled with Your peace, rest, and strength. We pray they will hear Your voice of love and encouragement to preserve life. We pray You will provide for them during this time: mentally, spiritually, physically, and financially. We pray their family members, friends, and community will shower them with love and support. Let them not feel alone, but uplifted by Your love as You guide and carry them. For those who decide to put their babies up for adoption, we pray that Your providence will guide these precious little ones to families who will love, protect, and lead them to a relationship with You. For those couples who chose abortion, we pray they will learn about You, Jesus, and the powerful cross where all human sins were placed upon You undeservingly. We pray they will seek Your forgiveness and know that You remember our sins as far as the East is from the West. Restore them. Renew them. Let them know they will one day see their beautiful baby in Heaven.
Friday, February 7, 2025
Prayer 5 - Jeremiah 29:11 and Psalm 41:2
Fathers, for those babies who are in the womb today, we pray for them. We pray that you will protect and preserve their lives. We pray they will grow as You planned for them to grow and develop. May their life be one where they are loved and celebrated by the people around them. Let their lives bring joy to those who help nurture and raise them. We pray these wonderfully made infants who are small and dependent on You today will stay dependent on You for their entire lives. We pray they will know that You have great plans for them and You want to prosper them and not harm them. We pray they will call upon You, to be their Lord and Savior, who gave them not only the breath of life but the gift of eternal life.
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Prayer 6 - 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Matthew 19:26
Father, we come before You with humble hearts, seeking forgiveness. We have allowed the sin of abortion to infiltrate our society, taking the lives of numerous innocent babies. As a society and nation, we have neglected and rejected the most vulnerable. We pray that you would change the hearts of the women who are called to nurture these precious lives, the men who are called to be leaders and dads, and the citizens and leaders of this country. I pray that we will become a nation that cherishes life in all its forms. Help us to recognize the invaluable worth of every human being from conception to natural death. Give us the courage to stand up for the voiceless, weak, and oppressed. Let us pray continuously, and work tirelessly to create a culture that celebrates and protects life. We know with You all things are possible.